Friday 30 March 2012

Oldest Gravestone

This is probably the oldest gravestone in West Linton graveyard, at least I think so and I'm so at home there now that I'm pretty sure this is the case. There are only the initials to show who is buried here and as you can see they are GP and AH (husband and wife, no doubt). The date is 1667. Sheila A. Scott's book Peeblesshire Monumental Inscriptions-pre 1850 doesn't provide any further information. The few letters I can see beneath the initials read The End to me but that might be my fanciful imagination!!

She describes the gravestone as crudely carved but I think the date and initals are beautifully done. Perhaps she refers to the other side of the stone (seen below) that show a very rudimentary skull and crossbones.

1 comment:

  1. I have to stop here once in awhile to catch up. Always interesting and I like the very fancy 1667.


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